中文 FRANÇAIS Beijing Review
6.9%: China's GDP in 2015
The figure is a 25-year low, but within a "reasonable range" say Chinese economists
By Mara Lee Durrell 


China's economic growth rate in 2015 came in at 6.9 percent as announced by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Tuesday morning, a 25-year low, but within a "reasonable range" say Chinese economists.

The GDP growth rate was reported as 6.8 percent in the fourth quarter, down from 6.9 percent in the third, and 7 percent in both of the first two quarters of 2015.

Promising signs were seen however in the fact that China's service industry contributed more than a half of the total GDP growth - 50.5 percent - suggesting a deepened restructuring of the growth pattern, according to the NBS.

In 2014, the country had met a 7.3 percent annual growth rate.

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