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  • Benin Actress (4).jpg
    The Mulan of Africa
    A Beninese actress pursues her film dream in China to build bridges between the two cultures
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    Between Science and Conscience
    Guardians of the industrial galaxy: the transformative impact of humanoid robots
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    What Slowdown?
    China remains a key source of growth and profits for many multinationals
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    The Art of the Ages
    Ethiopian artist presents the 64 characters of the ancient Chinese classic divination text the I Ching in a series of unique paintings
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    No Pain, All Gain
    Chinese doctors in Rwanda revolutionise childbirth by making painless deliveries affordable
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    Powering Up
    Uganda launches giant China-constructed hydropower plant to bolster its electricity supply, and also assist South Sudan with theirs
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    A Lifeline for Livestock
    Chinese-invented Juncao grass is transforming dairy production in Kenya
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    Agents of Change
    After three decades of experimentation, successes and failures, the public institutions are playing a role in creating social transformation in South Africa
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    Coal for the People
    Jungar Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region explores green development of coal resources
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    The Silky Way
    Digital Silk Road e-commerce carries unlimited potential for traders
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| VOL. 16 August 2024
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