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Young Bearers of Friendship
An African student’s perspective on the role of youth in furthering China-Africa ties
By Lilian Wanjiru Njaramba 丨VOL. 14 MAY 2022 ·2022-05-19

Lilian Wanjiru Njaramba (right) at the Conference in Beijing, China (COURTESY)

As an African student from Kenya who has been in China for the past seven years, I have seen the friendship between China and Africa grow as time passes. A variety of elements boosting this affinity were presented during the First Forum on International Students from Africa held by the China-Africa Institute in 2021. African students in attendance and other participants presented strategies to strengthen and sustain this friendship in more ways than one.

During the group discussion session on the draft of the Initiative for African Students, the African students actively and enthusiastically put forward their suggestions from different perspectives on ways to inherit the traditional friendship between China and Africa and strengthen the mutual learning of civilizations. After the group discussion, the African students decided to nominate me as the African student reporter to read out the draft of the Initiative for African Students to the forum.

In the initiative, it was established that the China-Africa friendship is not only important to both civilizations but to the world as well. The continued recruitment of students from Africa by China is a step in ensuring the current youth get the front-row seat at establishing and maintaining this traditional friendship and paves the way for coming generations to guarantee the development of this friendship. The initiative therefore served as a calling to all African students to make efforts in expanding the friendship between Africa and China and to take action in achieving the African dream of unity and revitalization of Africans.

African students present during the discussions expressed that it was our duty as African students in China to develop the China-Africa friendship beyond China. Students also agreed that establishing exchange programs between Africa and China would ensure the camaraderie and sharing of ideas across continents and enhance the friendship. There’s so much to learn from China, from their incredible work ethic to the fact that they are ahead of the curve in terms of growth. How great would it be if information was shared and used to promote the development of Africa as a continent?

It was also established that it is important that both China and Africa take interest in each other’s culture or way of life. Understanding each other’s culture fosters mutual respect and understanding. As Nelson Mandela once said, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”

The China-Africa friendship can be felt in more ways than one. Education being the obvious way, and the Belt and Road Initiative and the FOCAC initiatives among others. As an African student from Kenya studying in China for the past seven years, I see myself as an ambassador of this friendship. I have been able to study in China under a Chinese government scholarship and upon completion of my studies, I plan to go back to my country and not only promote China but also use what I have learned in China to progress my country.

Going forward, it is critical for us, the African youth, African students in China, Chinese youth and Chinese students, to build on the foundations laid by our forefathers and make the most of the opportunities available to us in order to create a better China and Africa for future generations.

(The author is a postgraduate student at the Center for West African Studies of UESTC)

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