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VOL.3 July 2011
CPC Through African Eyes
ChinAfrica asked a range of Africans for their opinion on the Communist Party of China (CPC) and increased Sino-African cooperation as the CPC celebrates its 90th anniversary this July. Their edited opinions follow:
by Yu Nan

Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana, Namibia SWAPO Party Secretary General

China is not only influential in the United Nations and World Trade Organization, but increasingly continues to play a more important role in the process of global economic governance as the second largest economy in the world. As Namibians and as Africans we have realized the global importance of China and the inherent development potential of Africa. Africa's challenge was to harness its potential and the opportunities offered by China and translate these into real growth.


Veikko Nekundi, Secretary for Economic Affairs of Namibia SWAPO Party Youth League

I am impressed by China's achievements especially in its economy. It is good practice to enhance bilateral economic and trade cooperation through inter-party exchanges. Young leaders from China and Africa are in the position to influence and promote bilateral economic affairs. China should continue to expand imports from Namibia in order to further promote trade balance. Namibia also needs more Chinese value-added investment [especially] in the manufacturing sector so as to assist in our country's development.


Magdalene Moonsamy, South Africa's African National Congress Youth League spokesperson

We have a lot to learn from each other. I appreciate the achievements that the CPC has made, especially managing to become the second largest economy in the world.  One of the important things is how we communicate as a continent with one voice. Also how do we have a level of discipline because of different cultural codes? In terms of achievements that have been made in China, these are things that we want to learn from the 90 years of CPC's experience. [But] I believe that we [South Africa] will advance beyond the expectations of both the East and West.


Professor Kwesi Kwaa Prah, Director of the Center for Advanced Studies of African Society of South Africa

By and large, China's approaches to African countries are currently making a positive difference to African economies. Furthermore, the actions of African governments are overwhelmingly positive to the new chapter in Afro-Sino relations. While much of the relationship has been on trade and economic matters, there are still other areas, which, if Afro-Chinese relations are to develop in a more comprehensive manner, will deserve increasing attention.

In order to better know and understand each other, Afro-Chinese relations have got to reach more effectively into the area of culture and people-to-people relations. There are indications that Africans are joining the queue in gaining expertise in Chinese learning. This endeavor needs to be greatly strengthened by increasing possibilities for such studies and learning processes in both Africa and China. Possibilities have also to be opened up for Chinese to learn African languages in Africa. This could be done under the auspices of existing institutions, which have the human resources and infrastructure to cope with such a requirement in both China and Africa.


Marang Morule, Beijing Freelancer From Johannesburg, South Africa

China and the CPC has the world watching in more ways than one - not only are they grabbing the world's attention with its rapid economic development, but China's investments in African states have really made the world sit up to see what happens next. For decades, Africa has received aid from Western countries, binding them to repayments that have been somewhat difficult. China seems to have found a more feasible investment structure, which is technically a loan, but these structures appear to be more a barter than a loan.


Amadeus Mba, Guangzhou Retailer From Calabar, Nigeria 

I think the CPC is serving its people well, and this is evident from the growing economic power that China possesses today. I feel that the Party has extended an olive branch to Africa, helping my continent to see how rich in resources it actually is.


Anor Yaba Armah, Tsinghua University Student From Accra, Ghana

Being an African student in China has proved to be an easier transition than I thought, and I think that the growing number of Africans in China is a testament to the CPC's attitude toward Africa.





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